Hey, I am here again…

Hey pixels!! My “month” break is over. I know, it’s been more than one month. I’ve been doing lots of stuff and I’ve taken a couple of decisions during this time.


The first one (and the most difficult) is to temporary stop writing here. Being a blogger is awesome but it’s a hard work and require tons of time. I don’t have all this time amount right now, so I quit blogging to concentrate my efforts in some new projects.

I’ll write just about my projects evolution (2-3 times every month) if you want to keep reading. And, from here you have access to my Instagram and Youtube accounts. Stay in touch, my happy pixels!!

This is a sneak peak of my current work. Both projects will start during setember-october. Now I’m getting things ready.

what I’m doing

Crowdfunding: currently disegning the campaign and finishing the prototype.

Etsy: I’ll reopen the shop with new & awesome products and designs.

I’ll give you more information soon, my happy pixels!! Wish me good luck!! Thanks for reading me all over this time, this blog has been possible because you’ve been following and reading it. Thank you again.

What have you been doing all this time, my happy pixels?? How is your summer going? Please, let us know in the comments below.

Lots of love,


Image source: Unsplash




  1. Wow, it’s been a while since you wrote this post. I can totally understand when you say you have “to quit” for a short period of time to focus your efforts. I went through the same thing in the past two years after I moved to a new country. For so much time I was completely out of it and not even feeling like myself anymore. I’m glad though something has brought me back to the passion of creating, blogging, and art. Is there a link to your Etsy shop? That sounds exciting!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I felt overwhelmed with so many projects and ideas, and I had to quit blogging for a time. Now I’m buiding my Etsy shop (which it was closed for a time, too): thehappiestpixel.etsy.com
      I’m moving to a new blog, too: thehappiestpixel.blogspot.com to try new adventures as a writer
      Thanks for reading!! I wish you a great 2019!! Lots of love!

      Liked by 1 person

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