THP first birthday!! Let’s celebrate!!

Hey pixels!! Today is a big day!! One year ago I wrote and published my first post. The first happy and pixelated post. I remember I was so nervous because I wasn’t sure about how the blogging experience would be. I’ve had another blog in the past, but it was a disaster, so I must say I was a little afraid of repeting the bad experience.

But this time it has been a good, awesome experience. During this 12 months I’ve known a lot of interesting people and I’ve had my first awards, guest post and collaborations. Amazing!!


I couldn’t have done anything without you, my happy and lovely pixels!! So this post is my way to say thank you, and my present for you. It comes with not one, but three awesome recipes that you can make later at home. Two of them are from my friends Gail, from Snapshots in cursive,  and Grace, from Treat Yourself Today, who are collaborating with me to celebrate my first birthday as a blogger!! Thank you, you’re amazing!!

You can see her wonderful recipes on the links above. Now, here it’s mine. I should tell this is my favourite dessert, I could eat one or two every day… or more…. It’s a French dessert, and, according to Wikipedia, it was invented by Michel Bras (1981). Say thanks to him.

I don’t know if the following one is his original recipe, but I should say it’s a good one.

Ingredients (makes 5 small units):

  • 150g dark chocolate
  • 50g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 80g sugar
  • decoration: powder sugar


Preheat oven at 185-190ºC. . Melt 100g chocolate and butter (using the microwave or a double boiler).

Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy; add flour. Pour melted chocolate and mix well.

Fill  5 cupcake molds at 1/3. Put a small piece of chocolate and fill the molds until completely full.

Bake for 9-12′. The chocolate piece of the inside should be liquid. Sprinkle some powder sugar on top for decoration.

I hope you have enjoyed the blog during its first year, my happy pixels. Thanks again for reading me!! But keep in touch, more posts are coming.


Ingredientes (para 5 unidades individuales):

  • 150 gr. de chocolate negro intenso para postres
  • 50 gr. de mantequilla
  • 3 huevos
  • 1 cucharada de harina
  • 80 gr. de azúcar
  • decoración: azúcar glas


Precalienta el horno a 185-190ºC. . Funde 100 gramos de chocolate con la mantequilla (al baño María o en el microondas).

Monta los huevos con el azúcar hasta que tripliquen su volumen y agrega la harina tamizada. Vierte el chocolate fundido y mezcla bien.

Vierte la mezcla en los moldes llenándolos hasta 1/3. Reparte el chocolate restante entre los moldes y luego termina de rellenarlos con el resto de la mezcla.

Hornea durante 9-12 minutos. La pieza de chocolate de dentro debería ser líquida.

Servir con azúcar glas espolvoreado por encima.

Espero que hayáis disfrutado del blog durante este primer año, mis felices pixels. ¡Gracias otra vez por leerme! Pero mantened el contacto, hay más posts en camino.






  1. As you already received the ping back, I am also leaving you a note to let you know your post released and can be found:

    Hope you will be able to participate in our first new monthly exchange: T’IS THE SEASON: CAKES, COOKIES AND TREATS – December 2016 Share and Inspire Others! – .
    Hope to see there there as well. Entries due via email to by midnight, 10 December, Vancouver, BC time. 😉

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